Cal OSHA’s regulatory reference is CCR Title
8 Section 3203
a. Who is O.S.T.S., Inc.
b. Purpose of this class
II. Cal OSHA overview a.
Who is Cal OSHA
b. What is its Cal OSHA’s purpose
c. How do Cal OSHA requirements apply to a supervisor and
his/her company
III. Reasons for Safety
a. Employee Safety
b. Corporate Liability
c. Cal OSHA
IV. Supervisor Accountability
a. Does a supervisor have personal accountability
for employees that they supervise?
V. Suggested Topics (number of topics selected below
will affect class time)
a. Injury and Illness Prevention
b. Lockout/Tagout
c. Machine Guarding
d. Hearing Conservation
e. Fall Protection
f. Hazard Communication
g. Personal Protective Equipment
h. Fire Extinguisher Use
i. Other topics by request
VI. Employee Safety Training & Safety Enforcement
a. How often?
b. DocumentationIncludes packet for each attendee.
This outline is customized for each client based on
industry and specific operations. If you have any specific
not listed in the outline please notify us
so that the course can be modified.